Today I did an hour of cardio at the gym.
Gooooooooooooooooooo me!!!
(sorry I was kinda proud of myself)
AND not only that, but I met my calorie goal too!
Today was an all around good day :)
On my drive home this song came on. I had my ipod on shuffle and honestly I haven't listened to it in sooooo long. Takes me back to high school. Not sure where I ran across this song, but I loved it. I think after listening to it like 500 times I then finally realized it was a Christian song. hahaha I loved this song and 'Oh, Canada' by Five Iron Frenzy.
Peace, Love and Treadmills!!
ps. 25 days til Brad comes home to visit! YAY! :)
I like a lot of things. I hate a lot of things. I'll probably write about things that fall into both categories.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
New Year, New Moments!
2010 was a year of extreme changes in my life. I really turned my life upside down and decided I was going to take my actions into my own hands and make a change. I really started on a new me. I've been trying to work on the things that I really didn't like about myself and to strengths the my strengths ;)
I started going hard at the gym and really went solid from Jan to August. Something happened in September and since then I really haven't been dedicated. I even lost all my gym buddies at work *tear* That's all changing. My goal this spring is to run a 5k. I'm determined to get back to the gym, start eating healthier and get on track to run a 5k!
Now some of you seasoned runners may be like pshhh a 5k, that's nothing. WELL, it is something to me. I've never been a runner. I always had knee problems, then hip problems and now I'm on to my back. :-/ I want to prove to myself that I can run! I can do it! I cannnn!!
One of my friends keeps an amazing blog... she talks about eating healthy, exercising and really living the best life you can possibly live. Every post she writes really motivates me and Ag you're really gonna help me in this one! Check out her blog Ag's CRON Life Blog Honestly, if you get a moment to check out her blog you should. She's so motivating and uplifting - it's really great to have people in your life who are positive!!
Soooo anyways....
Nicki Minaj released her new video with Drake this week 'Moment for Life'. I know that Nicki has always said she wanted to be regarded as an actress first and then a singer, but I'm not sure how I feel about the beginning of this video. I love the song though and I actually really do like the rest of the video. It's hard for me to be turned off by Nicki because I think she's pretty awesome....
This video really calls me to right now. I kinda feel like I'm Nicki in this video right now in my life... everything just seems to be going so perfectly :)
Peace, Love and Moments ;)
Soooo anyways....
Nicki Minaj released her new video with Drake this week 'Moment for Life'. I know that Nicki has always said she wanted to be regarded as an actress first and then a singer, but I'm not sure how I feel about the beginning of this video. I love the song though and I actually really do like the rest of the video. It's hard for me to be turned off by Nicki because I think she's pretty awesome....
This video really calls me to right now. I kinda feel like I'm Nicki in this video right now in my life... everything just seems to be going so perfectly :)
Peace, Love and Moments ;)
Friday, January 28, 2011
Things Dave Writes About: THE BIG 9-0
Check out my cousins blog about my Grandpa!!! We're having a surprise 90th birthday party for him tomorrow. Full of music from the talented Joe Maloy himself, shotskis of longevity pills and all the german food you can eat!!
Can't wait! :) Definitely going to be a fun time!!
Things Dave Writes About: THE BIG 9-0: "It's an important weekend for the Kraemer Family. This Saturday we will be celebrating my Pap's 90th birthday. If you've ever met him you w..."
Can't wait! :) Definitely going to be a fun time!!
Things Dave Writes About: THE BIG 9-0: "It's an important weekend for the Kraemer Family. This Saturday we will be celebrating my Pap's 90th birthday. If you've ever met him you w..."
19 inches of snow! YIKES!
Sooooooo my roomate RJ took some awesome pics around the city... so I'm stealing them and posting some for you guys to see.
Visit his website!! He has some awesome pictures on there.
NYC Schools were closed yesterday for only the 9th time since like 1968 or something. I'm sure my brothers glad he doesn't go to school up here!
It was crazy snowy.
And to leave this post off here's another Steelers song that my friend Natalie sent around. Haha I LOVE IT!
Peace, Love and Hand Warmers.
Visit his website!! He has some awesome pictures on there.
NYC Schools were closed yesterday for only the 9th time since like 1968 or something. I'm sure my brothers glad he doesn't go to school up here!
It was crazy snowy.
All pictures taken by the talented Mr. RJ Dibella
And to leave this post off here's another Steelers song that my friend Natalie sent around. Haha I LOVE IT!
Peace, Love and Hand Warmers.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Ikea is not delivering furniture today.
Or tomorrow.
Ssssaaaweeeetttt. Why would they?
Or tomorrow.
Ssssaaaweeeetttt. Why would they?
haha I found this pic and I love it
Checkin out the building
So I've been waiting for my furniture (which has yet to come) I've been checking out my new building and have been setting up my room.
I took a few pics for some people who've been asking:
COME ON IKEA!! Bring my Furniture!! I can't really do much more without it!
The song I'll leave for this post is 'Leave The World Behind' by Axwell, Ingrosso, Angello, Laidback Luke feat. Deborah Cox
Peace, Love, and Ikea Furniture.
I took a few pics for some people who've been asking:
The Lobby of Our Building!
Here's the 'Before' pic of my room!!
The Ocean Health Club :) It's actually really nice!!
Picture out the Living Room Window!
Picture out the Living Room Window!
Living Room!
Living Room/ Kitchen
Other side of the Living Room!
Starting to make PROGRESS!
Can't really see that well with the lights... but I started decorating
The song I'll leave for this post is 'Leave The World Behind' by Axwell, Ingrosso, Angello, Laidback Luke feat. Deborah Cox
Peace, Love, and Ikea Furniture.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
True Life: I'm Moving to NYC
So I feel like my life was a movie today. If it was, I even know what music I'd have picked out for the different scenes.
Scene 1 - My taking me to the airport
I believe I would have had Katy Perry's Fireworks playing. It's just a happy, fun song that I feel like it would have been appropriate.
Scene 2 - Delay at the Airport
The song I'd pick out for this scene would be 'Waiting For' by Peter Gelderblom.
Scene 3 - Arrive in New York
'The World Is Mine' by David Guetta (you knowwwww, MY ANTHEM!!) most definitely. I could definitely see it playing as I was walking off the plane with a huge smile on my face. I walked down to baggage claim and my bags were already out on the belt. As soon as I took them off a man came over and assisted me with getting my luggage on a cart and getting me a taxi. It honestly couldn't have gone smoother. And I loved the man working the taxis who said 'You must be moving to the city with all that luggage' and I just laughed. He proceeded to then say 'Welcome to the City. Enjoy your life!'.
Scene 4 - Driving in the Taxi to my Apartment
I don't even need to pick a song because I believe the song that was playing was perfect. Journey's 'Don't Stop Believing' was playing and the cabbie was jamming to it. It was honestly perfect and, I won't lie, I totally got choked up and teary eyed. I was texting my friend Iwona and everything just hit me all at once- that this was real. I was really driving to my new apartment. That I was really going to live here. That I was really going to be living in the city that I'd always dreamt of.
Scene 5 - The Apartment/Concierge
First State's 'My Sanctuary'. Within an hour of being at my new apartment I managed to make the management office pissed off and become friends with Jose the Concierge. Haha
Scene 6 - The Ikea Treck
Well. Jose told me to take 3 different subway trains and then to walk 20 minutes to Ikea. I wasn't too thrilled to do that off the bat so I tried to get a cab. 2 to be exact. And both of them told me they wouldn't take me there. So I said, suck it up. Ya gotta try it. And I headed down into the subway. I believe a good song to play at this point would be Tiesto's 'Driving to Heaven'. Because I feel like it would capture all the hustling people scurrying around in the snow at rush hour and also would get in all the passing trains down below the city. Well, after successfully taking 3 different trains (and only managing to stand and wait 10 minutes for a wrong one -but I realized before I got on it that it was wrong) I ended up in Brooklyn.... and got totally LOST. A good song to play at this moment would probably be 'Brooklyn's Finest' by Jayz. Just because when I think of Brooklyn that song always plays in my head.
Scene 7- Getting home
Probably 'All I've Ever Wanted' by BassHunter.
Yay!! Good First Day!
Peace, Love, and NYC <3
Scene 1 - My taking me to the airport
I believe I would have had Katy Perry's Fireworks playing. It's just a happy, fun song that I feel like it would have been appropriate.
Scene 2 - Delay at the Airport
The song I'd pick out for this scene would be 'Waiting For' by Peter Gelderblom.
Scene 3 - Arrive in New York
'The World Is Mine' by David Guetta (you knowwwww, MY ANTHEM!!) most definitely. I could definitely see it playing as I was walking off the plane with a huge smile on my face. I walked down to baggage claim and my bags were already out on the belt. As soon as I took them off a man came over and assisted me with getting my luggage on a cart and getting me a taxi. It honestly couldn't have gone smoother. And I loved the man working the taxis who said 'You must be moving to the city with all that luggage' and I just laughed. He proceeded to then say 'Welcome to the City. Enjoy your life!'.
Scene 4 - Driving in the Taxi to my Apartment
I don't even need to pick a song because I believe the song that was playing was perfect. Journey's 'Don't Stop Believing' was playing and the cabbie was jamming to it. It was honestly perfect and, I won't lie, I totally got choked up and teary eyed. I was texting my friend Iwona and everything just hit me all at once- that this was real. I was really driving to my new apartment. That I was really going to live here. That I was really going to be living in the city that I'd always dreamt of.
Scene 5 - The Apartment/Concierge
First State's 'My Sanctuary'. Within an hour of being at my new apartment I managed to make the management office pissed off and become friends with Jose the Concierge. Haha
Scene 6 - The Ikea Treck
Well. Jose told me to take 3 different subway trains and then to walk 20 minutes to Ikea. I wasn't too thrilled to do that off the bat so I tried to get a cab. 2 to be exact. And both of them told me they wouldn't take me there. So I said, suck it up. Ya gotta try it. And I headed down into the subway. I believe a good song to play at this point would be Tiesto's 'Driving to Heaven'. Because I feel like it would capture all the hustling people scurrying around in the snow at rush hour and also would get in all the passing trains down below the city. Well, after successfully taking 3 different trains (and only managing to stand and wait 10 minutes for a wrong one -but I realized before I got on it that it was wrong) I ended up in Brooklyn.... and got totally LOST. A good song to play at this moment would probably be 'Brooklyn's Finest' by Jayz. Just because when I think of Brooklyn that song always plays in my head.
Scene 7- Getting home
Probably 'All I've Ever Wanted' by BassHunter.
Yay!! Good First Day!
Peace, Love, and NYC <3
Interesting Day.
So, today my plan was to get up, head to NYC, buy furniture and start to set up my new room :)
My plans have been greatly diverted as NYC is currently getting like 12 inches of snow. Of course! Of course they would. Why wouldn't there be a big snow storm the day I'm trying to move? haha
It's funny because Brad is half way around the world and we were supposed to have our flights at the same time- mine at noon and his at 7pm- but that's not happening. I'm sitting at the gate and they're saying it's a 3 hour delay, but I have a feeling this flight it going to get completely canceled.
Oh well. Nothing I can really do at the current moment. It's just the beginning of my adventure :)
There is this lady sitting at the gate who is totally dressed to the 9's. She has high black heels on, this black coat with white ruffles around the wrists and neck line and this glittery headband. She's probably in about her 50's and she's currently on her mac and checking her iphone 4. Totally can tell she's from NYC. It's funny because as I sit here I could totally see myself become someone like that. Haha, but let's be honest. My budget will be more like the sunglasses and headbands found in china town, not the ones on 5th ave.
It's sooooooo weird I'm actually doing this. I've always dreamt of this, but never thought it'd come true. As I was packing my 2 suitcases to bring with me I kept weighing them to make sure they wouldn't be over 50 pounds. When I got here and put them up on the scale they both were EXACTLY 50! haha it worked out perfectly.
There are these 3 girls sitting across from me right now getting so excited for their trip to Europe. They're going to study abroad in France and they're waiting for their flight to get over there. It takes me immediately back to when Iwona, Anna Marie and I were sitting in the Chicago airport waiting for our flight to Europe. And come to think of it I actually was wearing the exactly hoodie I have on right now when we were going to Europe. Haha so weird. As I'm sitting here remember all the amazing times I had over there I can't help but think how blessed and lucky I am to have all the opportunities I've had in life. I'd never trade my study abroad experience for anything in the entire world. I wish I could go back and do it all over again. I can't wait to have kids and take them over there and let them experience what I experienced. I think that everyone MUST go and experience different cultures and see how other people live. It really puts life in perspective.
Well- I'll update, but as it looks right now who knows when I'll actually make it up to NYC! Ha may only be going up next weekend at this rate.
Oh wellllllll. When in life is anything easy? It's taken me 25 years to get to this point.... what's a few more hours?
My pick for this post is a Tiesto song that was released back in the fall- Speed Rail
Peace, Love and STOP SNOWING!!
My plans have been greatly diverted as NYC is currently getting like 12 inches of snow. Of course! Of course they would. Why wouldn't there be a big snow storm the day I'm trying to move? haha
It's funny because Brad is half way around the world and we were supposed to have our flights at the same time- mine at noon and his at 7pm- but that's not happening. I'm sitting at the gate and they're saying it's a 3 hour delay, but I have a feeling this flight it going to get completely canceled.
Oh well. Nothing I can really do at the current moment. It's just the beginning of my adventure :)
There is this lady sitting at the gate who is totally dressed to the 9's. She has high black heels on, this black coat with white ruffles around the wrists and neck line and this glittery headband. She's probably in about her 50's and she's currently on her mac and checking her iphone 4. Totally can tell she's from NYC. It's funny because as I sit here I could totally see myself become someone like that. Haha, but let's be honest. My budget will be more like the sunglasses and headbands found in china town, not the ones on 5th ave.
It's sooooooo weird I'm actually doing this. I've always dreamt of this, but never thought it'd come true. As I was packing my 2 suitcases to bring with me I kept weighing them to make sure they wouldn't be over 50 pounds. When I got here and put them up on the scale they both were EXACTLY 50! haha it worked out perfectly.
There are these 3 girls sitting across from me right now getting so excited for their trip to Europe. They're going to study abroad in France and they're waiting for their flight to get over there. It takes me immediately back to when Iwona, Anna Marie and I were sitting in the Chicago airport waiting for our flight to Europe. And come to think of it I actually was wearing the exactly hoodie I have on right now when we were going to Europe. Haha so weird. As I'm sitting here remember all the amazing times I had over there I can't help but think how blessed and lucky I am to have all the opportunities I've had in life. I'd never trade my study abroad experience for anything in the entire world. I wish I could go back and do it all over again. I can't wait to have kids and take them over there and let them experience what I experienced. I think that everyone MUST go and experience different cultures and see how other people live. It really puts life in perspective.
Well- I'll update, but as it looks right now who knows when I'll actually make it up to NYC! Ha may only be going up next weekend at this rate.
Oh wellllllll. When in life is anything easy? It's taken me 25 years to get to this point.... what's a few more hours?
My pick for this post is a Tiesto song that was released back in the fall- Speed Rail
Peace, Love and STOP SNOWING!!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Sunday night my Dad and I went to the AFC Championship game against the JETS and needless to say the best team wooooonnnn :) I was fortunate enough to go to the last AFC Championship game, but I feel like this one was even more special. I was so excited to be going to cheer on the black and gold, but to go with my Dad and experience it with him definitely made it great! The energy of the stadium was great and I’m so excited we’re advancing on to the SUPER BOWL!!!
We met up with my Uncle Denmo and Justin before the game! They actually ended up sitting a section over from us!
Wish I could take a trip down to Dallas, but between moving to NYC, trying to save to take a vacay to Africa, and just in general trying to live I don’t think it’s in my budget! Booooooooooooo. Oh well. One of these days… maybe ;)
Before the game they took a 500 billion pixel picture of the entire stadium. Here's the link to where my Dad and I were sitting: Giga Pixel Cam
Here's a screen shot of the pic :) It turned out perfect! We not only were looking, we were smiling and waving our terrible towel!!!
We were on the NFL Network camera though. So my Dad’s seats are right next to a camera. Sometimes it’s a network camera, but yesterday it was the NFL Network cam. At the end of the game they took a shot of us with our sign that said:
And had a pic of Myron and the terrible towel on it and we were yelling happy birthday! It was fun.
It was fun to be a part of a record setting crow 66,662 (me and my Dad like to think we’re the 2 in that number haha). I liked the extra seats they put in for the Winter Classic. Makes the stadium look complete and full. I was actually thinking, I bet it’ll be easier to kick a field goal down that end of the field now with those seats. That could work to our disadvantage ;) hahaha. Oh well.
Sunday I woke up and had on repeat a Steelers playlist. My pick this week is an obvious one, but definitely need to put this up.
Peace, Love and Black and Gold
Sunday night my Dad and I went to the AFC Championship game against the JETS and needless to say the best team wooooonnnn :) I was fortunate enough to go to the last AFC Championship game, but I feel like this one was even more special. I was so excited to be going to cheer on the black and gold, but to go with my Dad and experience it with him definitely made it great! The energy of the stadium was great and I’m so excited we’re advancing on to the SUPER BOWL!!!
We met up with my Uncle Denmo and Justin before the game! They actually ended up sitting a section over from us!
Justin, Me, My Dad and Uncle Denmo
Wish I could take a trip down to Dallas, but between moving to NYC, trying to save to take a vacay to Africa, and just in general trying to live I don’t think it’s in my budget! Booooooooooooo. Oh well. One of these days… maybe ;)
Before the game they took a 500 billion pixel picture of the entire stadium. Here's the link to where my Dad and I were sitting: Giga Pixel Cam
Here's a screen shot of the pic :) It turned out perfect! We not only were looking, we were smiling and waving our terrible towel!!!
We were on the NFL Network camera though. So my Dad’s seats are right next to a camera. Sometimes it’s a network camera, but yesterday it was the NFL Network cam. At the end of the game they took a shot of us with our sign that said:
And had a pic of Myron and the terrible towel on it and we were yelling happy birthday! It was fun.
It was fun to be a part of a record setting crow 66,662 (me and my Dad like to think we’re the 2 in that number haha). I liked the extra seats they put in for the Winter Classic. Makes the stadium look complete and full. I was actually thinking, I bet it’ll be easier to kick a field goal down that end of the field now with those seats. That could work to our disadvantage ;) hahaha. Oh well.
Sunday I woke up and had on repeat a Steelers playlist. My pick this week is an obvious one, but definitely need to put this up.
Peace, Love and Black and Gold
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
WVU Holiday Fairy Tale
This video is so cute! Makes me miss Christmas already :(
It always is a great day to be a Mountaineer!!!!!
Cheers, Beers, and Mountaineers
- Juls
Monday, January 17, 2011
Entire cds?
I have to laugh because I just loaded $20 worth of itunes credit onto my computer and I only have $5 left now. After buying a few singles I came across the Swedish House Mafia's 'Until One' album. I'm actually shocked I don't own it yet seeing that it came out the end of Oct, but then again you do have to remember that Nov- Jan I have a strict 'Only Christmas Music' policy. But what made me laugh is that my boyfriend was just mentioning the other day that I'm probably the only person that still buys complete cds! Is this true?! Do you guys still buy whole cds or just singles off of itunes?
I can't imagine not having whole cds. He does make a great point that more people are apt to buy just the single rather than spring for the entire cd ... which would force musicians to try to make their cds as complete and perfect as they can. I mean no ones going to buy that entire cd for those 5 songs that shouldn't have even made it there in the first place. He's right- Itunes and other internet music media companies have forced artists to challenge themselves and try to make the best album that they can. *Don't tell them, but I'll probably still buy them regardless;)*
As for the SHM I'll update once I get a good feel for the album, but I mean... I feel like there's no way it can be that bad ;)
If you're thinking to myself, Swedish House Mafia... sounds familiar. What's one of their songs.
You may have heard one of these:
Miami to Ibiza:
I have a feeling you may see more blog posts from me about music coming now since I'm trying to stay busy and keep my mind off my boyfriend who's a million miles away right now :( waaahhhhh
Peace, Love and Electro House,
I can't imagine not having whole cds. He does make a great point that more people are apt to buy just the single rather than spring for the entire cd ... which would force musicians to try to make their cds as complete and perfect as they can. I mean no ones going to buy that entire cd for those 5 songs that shouldn't have even made it there in the first place. He's right- Itunes and other internet music media companies have forced artists to challenge themselves and try to make the best album that they can. *Don't tell them, but I'll probably still buy them regardless;)*
As for the SHM I'll update once I get a good feel for the album, but I mean... I feel like there's no way it can be that bad ;)
If you're thinking to myself, Swedish House Mafia... sounds familiar. What's one of their songs.
You may have heard one of these:
Miami to Ibiza:
I have a feeling you may see more blog posts from me about music coming now since I'm trying to stay busy and keep my mind off my boyfriend who's a million miles away right now :( waaahhhhh
Peace, Love and Electro House,
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Everybody has dreams. Dreams for the future, dreams for the present, and dreams of things that they wish would have occurred in the past.
I've always been a dreamer. Coming up with new schemes or ideas in my head that I wished would play out into real life. Dreams of being famous and singing in front of crowds, dreams of having a family and living an amazing life, dreams of me living in crazy exotic places experiencing life as you would not if you were to stay in Pittsburgh.
I've always known I wanted to leave Pittsburgh. Maybe not for forever, but at least for a little while. To experience other cities, cultures, different ways of living... I've always said, there are so many places to live in the world I don't want to spend all my time in just one.
Within the last year I made it a priority to live out this dream of moving. Once my apartment lease was up I moved back in with my parents to plan my next move... "to where" was the only question.
While making plans to live out my dream of moving, my life started making it's own plans. Now I sit faced with the amazing opportunity to move to a city of my dreams only to be set back with doubts and fears.
I never thought one person could impact your life (and in such a short amount of time) as a certain someone in my life has. As I get ready to make my move I trust in my heart that the decisions I'm making are the ones that I need to get off my chest before going further down life's road.
*At least I'm crossing my fingers that they are...* LT3
On a not so serious note...
If you listen to only one suggestion for music that I ever make please let this one be it.
Download the Radio 538 Powermix podcast, specifically episode 196. For the beginning of the year they did a 3 hour mix of music. It's awesome.... even my sister said it was awesome (which is saying much because she doesn't usually like my music)
Peace, Love and Dreams-
Everybody has dreams. Dreams for the future, dreams for the present, and dreams of things that they wish would have occurred in the past.
I've always been a dreamer. Coming up with new schemes or ideas in my head that I wished would play out into real life. Dreams of being famous and singing in front of crowds, dreams of having a family and living an amazing life, dreams of me living in crazy exotic places experiencing life as you would not if you were to stay in Pittsburgh.
![]() |
Dreaming of being the next American Idol |
Within the last year I made it a priority to live out this dream of moving. Once my apartment lease was up I moved back in with my parents to plan my next move... "to where" was the only question.
While making plans to live out my dream of moving, my life started making it's own plans. Now I sit faced with the amazing opportunity to move to a city of my dreams only to be set back with doubts and fears.
I never thought one person could impact your life (and in such a short amount of time) as a certain someone in my life has. As I get ready to make my move I trust in my heart that the decisions I'm making are the ones that I need to get off my chest before going further down life's road.
*At least I'm crossing my fingers that they are...* LT3
On a not so serious note...
If you listen to only one suggestion for music that I ever make please let this one be it.
Download the Radio 538 Powermix podcast, specifically episode 196. For the beginning of the year they did a 3 hour mix of music. It's awesome.... even my sister said it was awesome (which is saying much because she doesn't usually like my music)
Peace, Love and Dreams-
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