Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Why Parents Shouldn't Have Facebook

1. My mom always talks about facebook and expects us all to explain it to her
2. If you need someone to explain to you how to use facebook then you shouldn't be on it
3. We get questioned on why we 'liked' something at 3am...
4. At the dinner table we get updates on everybody and their mother- where they're going to school, what parties they've attended, what they're doing now, if they just recently broke up with their boyfriends, their sexual preferences --- everything that I already know, but don't say out loud because then people would think I'm a stalker
5. They get mad at you if you don't list BOTH of your parents. First you don't even list any, but since one friends you and lists you as their daughter they show up as your mother... THEN your dad asks why you don't like him enough to list him as your dad on your page. Apparently this looks like either 1. you're mom's divorced or 2. you're estranged from your dad..... *note* when's the last time you even looked at the family relationships someone listed on their page?

... I could keep going on, but there's no point.

I just don't think parents and their children need to be friends on facebook. When I was in high school I didn't have to share my AIM profiles with them or all the notes I wrote to my friends in class...

That's all.
Sorry for the rant.

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