Having a part in helping to design screens for an application, the look and feel of different sites really stick out to me. Way back when, which I believe was about last March ‘09-ish, I joined Twitter because I wanted to know what all the hype was about. I joined and immediately thought the website was not user friendly, it took some time to figure out what to do and what to click, and, in my mind, it just was not what I thought it would be. It was annoying to me and I only tweeted a few times. I kind of gave up on Twitter and left it behind.
During that time we were rolling out a new part of the system we’re designing at work and I was out in the field with users helping troubleshoot problems and to aid in the adoption of the new functionality. While out at one of the offices I made friends with two of the users. We’d talk about music, concerts, gossip and they always brought up twitter. At that point I really didn’t like twitter- the website wasn’t laid out well and I just didn’t really understand the purpose. I used to listen to their twitter convos, but never really participated. They would gang up on me trying to pressure me into getting a twitter and it wasn’t until they suggested getting a phone app that I decided to give it another try. My phone of that year was the Black Jack 2. I found a free app and downloaded it. I actually started tweeting quite frequently. Having it right on my phone made it so much easier and mobile (obviously haha). The app was definitely easier to use and I could pretty much do everything faster from the app than I could on the website. Well, my free trial of the app came and went and then the company wanted me to buy it. Still not really sold on the value of Twitter I declined and again went twitterless…
Fast forward 6 months. My phone contract is up and I get to get a new phone. Iphone! YAY! One of the first apps I download is Echofon and my obsession with twitter started to take off. Now having a great app, easy access, and much to say I started tweeted multiple times a day. From that point on I started really getting into Twitter. Still, I didn’t like the website.
Applications for Twitter have just been so much easier to navigate and find what you want. I actually hate logging on to Twitter from my computer. So when I heard they were releasing a new Twitter site I was pretty excited to see what changes they’d make. After watching a few videos and reading some sites I’m actually very excited for the new roll out. Do I think I’ll use the website more? Nah, probably not. It’s way easier on my phone, but I did read an interesting statistic. More than 78% of Twitter’s users access the application through their web site in a given month. I was shocked! After having my own experience I figured most users were like me… but I guess not!

Wired Article – This article really gives you a good sense of the changes and everything that will be included in the new twitter layout.
Here’s another article, very similar, that gives a screenshot preview of the new layout as well Huffington Post Article
As far as roll out- I haven’t been able to find an official date. All I keep reading is that it will start to be rolled out in the next few weeks. Ahhhh!! Can’t wait to see it! Hopefully it’ll be a lot easier to use and will get me to use the web site more! If not, I’m very content with my Echofon app.
Check it outttttttt!!
This guy at my work kept telling me I needed to check out this girl called Little Boots. I kept putting it off and off and finally I took the time and looked her up. I’m mad that I kept putting it off because I love her already!! Within minutes I was on itunes downloading her cd. This is one of her songs that I’ve liked the most so far: Little Boots- Remedy
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