Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ohhh hello NYC ;)

So this past weekend I totally had a 'dream nyc' weekend. I shopped, I walked around, got totally lost, got on the wrong subway going in the wrong direction (Al would have been proud of me), learned a lot about the city, tried new things, had so much fun!!!!

I went out on Sunday with a mission. $100. I wanted boots and all the accessories I could buy. I wanted to try pink berry. And I wanted to learn Soho (and see the Dash store- obvi).

I'll say I was very successful.I didn't go over my $100. I got 4 headbands, a hat, 2 scarves, a ring, boots, 2 tank tops, 3 candles, jeans, pink berry anddddddddd a hot dog haha! (and then I did buy hair dye and laundry detergent that pushed me over the budget, but that's ok- that doesn't count)

I found this store called So Good- it's on Broadway right past China Town (if you're walking uptown from my apt!). I won't lie- it's all costume jewelry and accessories, but if my mom, sister and I ever opened a store it would totally be like this. LOVED IT!

In my tour of Soho I definitely stopped at the Dash store. Obviously had to. Now I just need to make a trip to LA to go see the one out there so I can say I've officially been to all of them.

When I asked my roommate Rj if he'd heard that the Dash NYC was going to be carrying Scott's new clothing line he answered with 'I don't keep up with the kardashians' hahahaha I loved that line. I laughed for awhile.

Can't wait to explore more!! We did walk up to Bryant Park thinking that the fashion week stuff was going on there only to find that it was nottttttt and it was at Lincoln center... which was about 40 more blocks away. We had been walking for about 2 hrs at that point and we decided that we put in good effort, but we were done and didn't want to walk all the way up there. Maybe next year I'll see NYC fashion week! hahaha

Download itttttttttttttttt:
Came across an oldie, but goodie the other day. It came on while I had my ipod on shuffle and I got excited cause I haven't heard it in like 12 years.

Peace, Love, SOHO!!!!!

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