Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Interesting Day.

So, today my plan was to get up, head to NYC, buy furniture and start to set up my new room :)
My plans have been greatly diverted as NYC is currently getting like 12 inches of snow. Of course! Of course they would. Why wouldn't there be a big snow storm the day I'm trying to move? haha

It's funny because Brad is half way around the world and we were supposed to have our flights at the same time- mine at noon and his at 7pm- but that's not happening. I'm sitting at the gate and they're saying it's a 3 hour delay, but I have a feeling this flight it going to get completely canceled.

Oh well. Nothing I can really do at the current moment. It's just the beginning of my adventure :)

There is this lady sitting at the gate who is totally dressed to the 9's. She has high black heels on, this black coat with white ruffles around the wrists and neck line and this glittery headband. She's probably in about her 50's and she's currently on her mac and checking her iphone 4. Totally can tell she's from NYC. It's funny because as I sit here I could totally see myself become someone like that. Haha, but let's be honest. My budget will be more like the sunglasses and headbands found in china town, not the ones on 5th ave.

It's sooooooo weird I'm actually doing this. I've always dreamt of this, but never thought it'd come true. As I was packing my 2 suitcases to bring with me I kept weighing them to make sure they wouldn't be over 50 pounds. When I got here and put them up on the scale they both were EXACTLY 50! haha it worked out perfectly.

There are these 3 girls sitting across from me right now getting so excited for their trip to Europe. They're going to study abroad in France and they're waiting for their flight to get over there. It takes me immediately back to when Iwona, Anna Marie and I were sitting in the Chicago airport waiting for our flight to Europe. And come to think of it I actually was wearing the exactly hoodie I have on right now when we were going to Europe. Haha so weird. As I'm sitting here remember all the amazing times I had over there I can't help but think how blessed and lucky I am to have all the opportunities I've had in life. I'd never trade my study abroad experience for anything in the entire world. I wish I could go back and do it all over again. I can't wait to have kids and take them over there and let them experience what I experienced. I think that everyone MUST go and experience different cultures and see how other people live. It really puts life in perspective.

Well- I'll update, but as it looks right now who knows when I'll actually make it up to NYC! Ha may only be going up next weekend at this rate.

Oh wellllllll. When in life is anything easy? It's taken me 25 years to get to this point.... what's a few more hours?

My pick for this post is a Tiesto song that was released back in the fall- Speed Rail

Peace, Love and STOP SNOWING!!

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