Saturday, May 29, 2010

I Am Woman????

Last night was definitely the typical girls night out. Starting with shopping down the waterfront, dinner and then to the new Sex and The City movie!

Having the internet at your finger tips now a days, you don't really even need to see a movie to know pretty  much everything about it. I purposely did not read any reviews about the movie before we went to see it. The first one was so surprisingly good I didn't want to be jaded by what others thought. I won't lie... I was definitely nervous, as sequels are usually never as good as the original. Now I'm not here to argue if it was a good or bad movie (I'll leave that to the professional movie critics)- but I will offer up my thoughts on the movie.

- It was definitely the cheesiest movie I've seen in awhile.
- I will always love anything and anything to do with Miranda, Carrie, Samantha and Charlotte
- I liked it, except for the karaoke scene. Could they have at least picked a better song? This scene really could have been cut out of the movie.
- I wish there would have been more to the story- like the first one had so many things going on... I missed the depth that the first one had
- If they make a 3rd one I'll definitely see it
- It makes me not want to go to Abu Dhabi

I liked the movie because we know the characters and every girl out there feels like their part of our lives... if this movie plot was in any other movie I'm pretty sure everyone would have hated it.

Alright- enough procrastinating I need to finish getting through some of the requirements I need to finish for this proposal so I can enjoy my Memorial Day weekend trip to Cedar Point! :-) yaayyy!!

Download this! 
So I love Ri Ri and I found this awesome remix of Russian Roulette. It's the Jump Smokers Remix. LISTEN TO IT!!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

And the Next American Idol Is...

Sooooo how about American Idol... not only did I watch it (I mean, did you really think I'd miss it?), but we had an Idol party!! Complete with a mix of past season idols songs, idol tee-shirts, golden hollywood tickets, pina coloda's anddddd of course de-lish food.

My beautiful mother making pina coladas....

We were a basement divided when it came to who we wanted to win. Half wanted Crystal and the other half was pulling for Lee. To be honest, I liked them both equally and actually voted for both the night before. Everybody laughed saying I canceled out my vote, but hey! They're giving America the power to vote for whoever they want... I couldn't decide, so I voted for both.

I will say one thing - I'm glad the winner came from the Chicago auditions. Last July my friend Alyssa and I went to Chicago to audition. This was her first Idol audition, my second (previously went to a New York audition). Idol auditions need to be taken with a grain of salt. On one hand, they're really sooooo much fun! Between the people you meet, the memories you make, being a part of the entire experience- it honestly is a great time and we will definitely be going to another one this year. On the other hand, it's extremely frustrating. You see amazing singers, who are beautiful, talented and in your opinion have the 'it' factor... yet they do not make it through the first round of auditions. It also is frustrating to know that they judge you on maybe 10-15 seconds of a song. Now, my first experience with the auditions our entire group did not get to sing more than 15 second's of their song before abruptly being told 'no'. Chicago's producer were in fact nicer than that and even actually asked my friend to sing a second song! We really thought it went well and were extremely disappointed when they passed on everyone in our group. We did drop to our knees and plead, but that didn't seem to do any good.

What I'm about to say may come as a shocker (haha) ... but Idol is a *TV SHOW* and it's #1 priority is ratings. You can definitely tell that during the auditions. The most outlandish, stand out, crazy people are the ones that you see and are the ones that are always in the shots. This year we want to take a different angle and be more out there and entertaining... sooooo if anyone has any ideas let me know!!!! Signs always help.

But the finale this week was a great one... I loved all the performances. Pants on the ground was probably the highlight for me. But my favorite part was when they had all the idols come back and sing! I was really hoping they'd do something like that. I love seeing all the past idols! I do have to say though, the part where Paula came out was extremely awwwwkkwwarrdd. I mean did she really need to stand up there for 10 minutes and try to be funny? I love Paula, but that was a little weird for me. I'm really glad that they added Ellen on the show this year. She's HILARIOUS and I always love to hear her thoughts on the performances. She definitely has been a great addition.

So Idol. Where will you be next year at this time? Still a ground breaking, entertaining, popular show... or have you hit the peak of your success and it's only downhill from here? I guess we'll have to wait and see- but maybe that means less people will try out this year and we'll have a better chance to get on. Here's to hoping and wishing....

I'm taking suggestions on songs to sing for this years audition...
New York Audition I sang 'Someone to Watch Over Me'
Chicago Audition I sang 'Natural Woman'

I can't wait til they list out all the audition cities and dates- I'm already excited to go!!!!! We've got our idol tour tickets too so I'm pretty excited for the concert in September too!!

Today's song choice is due to a conversation Sarah and I had at work. We both love Celine Dion and we were talking about when she was on Oprah with the Canadian Tenors. I don't believe they've released this single (they're crazzzyyy if they don't record it), but check this ouuutttt. Hallelujah by The Canadian Tenors featuring Celine Dion

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Helllloooooo :-)

HELLO world :-) Here's my stab at a new type of social media. 

Sooooooooo what exactly are you supposed to write about in your first post on a blog that's subject you're still unsure of?

I guess I could tell you about my blogging experience... WELL. Previously, in what almost seems like another life time ago (ok! only 3 years ago), I used to blog for West Virginia University. I bet you're wishing you could read all my old posts... well good news! You can!! From Abroad Blog The news even did an article on it! KDKA WVU Students Blogging So no worries, you're reading the blog of a professional... just one out of practice. ;-)

But that was then, and this is now and unfortunately I am not off gallivanting all over Europe. Although, everyday I'm trying to find ways or dream ups schemes to get me back over there.  So I regret to inform you that my blog postings will not be as interesting as getting spit in the face during a trip to Prague or missing a flight in the Canary Islands because we went to the wrong airport originally, by the time we got to the correct airport the flight left and the only way home was on a flight out the next day at the 1st airport we went to (in which we spent the night sleeping on the benches since the airport closed at night).

Okkkk.. so now that you know that, what else can I tell you?

Well. I have a very addicting personality. Meaning- once I start liking or get interested in something I usually become addicted with it. One of the things I'm currently addicted to is social media. I'm constantly updating my facebook and twitter accounts. You can definitely check out my videos on YouTube (I'm still waiting to be discovered... worked out well for Justin Bieber, I'm still hoping). I keep my professional life updated on LinkedIn. And we even have a social media site like facebook at our work that I definitely update. I feel like my iPhone makes it way too easy to update these sites, hence why my usage went up on them once I got my phone. And that's another thing I'm definitely addicted to. My iPhone. Slowly but surely I'm trying to turn into a mac junky.

So throughout the rest of my blog I'm sure you'll come to know more about me... I'm kind of excited to see where this blog takes me. I'm very interested in getting more involved with social media and how it can benefit/aid in business marketing/success.  

I would like to end every post by suggesting a new song download. My musical tastes are extremely varied and range from Celine Dion, to Bad Religion, to DJ Tiestoto to Carrie Underwood, to Musicals. I love all types of songs, genres, beats, everything! I'm always open to hearing new groups/songs so if you have any suggestions for me please leave a post and I will definitely check it out!! 

Right now I'm really obsessed with this song: In and Out of Love by Armin Van Burren
It's off of his Imagine album that came out in 2008. Check it out. I LOVE IT!!!
